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Guangxi Bobai Huangtu Arts and Crafts Co., Ltd.  

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  • 联系人:Miss Ida Zhang
  • 电话:86-15806014701
  • 传真:86-775-3276762
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公司名称 Guangxi Bobai Huangtu Arts and Crafts Co., Ltd.
资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 $0.00
公司类型 company (Manufacturer/Factory & Trading Company)
所 在 地 China/shannxi/yulin
公司规模 1~3 People
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 2019
经营模式 Manufacturer/Factory & Trading Company
销售的产品 Supermarket Displays Baskets , Home Storage Baskets
主营行业 Arts & Crafts     Arts & Crafts / Basketry    
Huangtu Arts & Craft Co., Ltd. Was established in 2012, which is located in Bobai town GuangXi---The capital of Weaving Art & Craft products in China. We fully use local natural resources and traditional handmade craft to creative our production team to meet clients demand.

We produce kinds style of woven baskets, our modern design, excellent quality and competitive prices have accepted and trusted by most of clients we have cooperated with.

Main materials include bamboo, rattan, wicker, PP rattan, sea grass etc. Baskets use for storage, super market display, gardening, bread, gifts packing, household decorative,

The most important thing is we have our own quality control team to inspect and keep eye for your order.

What we do will definitely exceed your expectations.

Expecting for your enquiry and sampling for further discuss.

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